In this day and age, everything is moving to digital files including important information such as medical records. This trend will continue increasing as older generations grow up with technology and expect the conveniences that technology provides. Today, many people have access to their medical records online through patient portals that are provided to them by their hospital, doctor, or a Health Information Exchange (HIE). These patient portals allow patients the ability to access their own records online and make them more informed on the status of their health. However, despite these conveniences offered by patient portals they are not perfect for everyone and continue to be a challenge for many users.
Drawbacks of a Standard Patient Portal
One of the biggest challenges that standard patient portals have is that they don’t communicate with each other. So, if a patient gets treatment at multiple hospitals or from multiple doctors, they would have to maintain their records at each of those hospitals' patient portals, if they even offer one. Despite being familiar with technology, many people today still struggle with maintaining multiple accounts and having to remember their passwords; this is especially a problem with older generations. As a result, what many patients are left with is an incomplete picture of their health records which only leads to frustration.

Benefits of a Medical Records Portal
This is where a custom built medical records portal comes in. Dunn Solutions built a custom medical records portal for one of its clients who wanted a system that would better serve their users and give them greater control over their own medical records.
The custom medical records portal Dunn Solutions built allows its client's users to get a complete picture of their medical records in one convenient, quick, and easy to use application. This custom built application uses a network that includes the majority of all electronic medical records. Upon registering for the first time, the system will retrieve a patient’s records and they won’t have to worry about remembering all those different passwords and accounts since everything will be in one spot for the patient to access easily. Finally, the patient will have control over their complete medical records.
Necessary Features
Medical records belong to the individual and they should be able to share them with whomever they’d like, whether that is a specific doctor or with family. The medical records portal Dunn Solutions built allows its client's users to securely share their records with relevant parties with just a click of a few buttons. The medical records portal also offers the flexibility for users to add their own entries to their medical records to make sure the most up to date and comprehensive information is available. With something as sensitive as medical records, security is undoubtedly a concern.

Fortunately, the medical records portal utilizes integration with state-of-the-art biometric security to verify a user’s identity and make sure that the records remain confidential.
Medical records are an important aspect of many people’s lives but they are often overlooked until they are required. Despite advances in many aspects of medical records, there are many pain points that remain for patients. Through thoughtful design and custom application development, Dunn Solutions was able to address these pain points and create an intuitive application for its client.
Contact Dunn Solutions to find out how we can help you using our successful and proven process for application development.