Machine Learning Consulting

Dunn Solutions helps organizations increase revenue,  maximize marketing campaign effectiveness, acquire new customers, and retain existing customers through  data science and machine learning.  

Machine Learning Consulting Services

Machine Learning empowers organizations to improve marketing ROI, production, sales, and operational effectiveness through modeling, eliminating manual resources and time. 

By analyzing large amounts of data, machine learning algorithms can provide insights, forcast future trends, and make predictions about future events based on historical data that can inform decision-making and improve business outcomes.

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Machine Learning Strategy

Dunn Solutions machine learning experts start by understanding your business and how machine learning can improve your sales and operations. We then evaluate your data and identify which machine learning models to apply to generate the highest performing scores. Finally, we work with you to implement a data driven culture which leverages automated machine learning as a natural part of your business. 

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Machine Learning Development

Developing the machine learning model is only part of the full lifecycle required to fully leverage your data. Our data engineering team works hand in hand with our data scientists to clean and prepare the data to be used in model building. We partner with cloud vendors like AWS, Azure, and Snowflake to automate the machine learning process and constantly keep models and scoring up to date. 

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Machine Learning Integration

Acquiring the data required for model building and creating the APIs to consume model outputs is something that our data engineering team does on a daily basis. With over 175 connectors to the most popular ERP, CRM, and marketing platforms we perform data extraction into Data Lakes in one fourth the time of traditional developers. 

Machine Learning for E-Commerce 

Market Basket Analysis 

Our algorithm analyzes historical buying patterns and preferences and predicts what customers will likely purchase together. 

Cart Abandonment Consulting 

Turn lost opportunities into sales. Our e-commerce predictive analytics will pinpoint abandon cart causes and solutions.  

Price Optimization Consulting 

Maximize gross sales and profit with our predictive model to determine the optimal price for each item in your data set.  

Promotional Pricing Consulting 

Dunn Solutions’ promotional pricing model will predict he expected increase in volume for every 1% in discount and suggest the price point that will maximize profits and move inventory.  

Machine Learning for Marketing

Marketing Mix Analytics 

Our marketing mix consulting experts will show you how to allocate your marketing spend across channels to optimize your marketing ROI. 

Customer Segmentation 

Dunn Solutions’ customer segmentation and audience targeting solutions enable companies to create a 360 degree personalized experience. 

Brand Positioning and Messaging 

Create and measure personalized content with Dunn Solutions’ providing insights to optimize your organization’s channel, vertical and persona strategies and goals.  

Customer Acquisition 

Increase acquisitions, sales, and revenue. Our modeling identifies potential customers with the highest probability of making a purchase. 

Machine Learning for Sales

Customer Churn 

Our data experts provide proactive customer retention strategies using the power of machine learning to create a custom churn propensity model that woks specifically with your data.  

Customer Lifetime Value 

Dunn Solutions’ leverages your data with predictive analytics to determine member lifetime value and maximize ROI.  

Sales Forecasting

Dunn Solutions' data scientists leverage the power of machine learning to incorporate the effects of seasonality, industry trends, pricing and promotional efforts into their forecast to predict future sales with unparalleled accuracy.

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