Implementation & Integration

We know that each type of organization has unique needs, whether it's starting or growing youir social presense or having a complex sales process. Our experts have experience working with the intricacies of marketing automation integration and implementation projects with  B2C, B2B and B2B2C organizations. 

Marketing Automation Implementation and Execution Services

B2B and B2C Marketing Automation Services

Dunn Solutions' marketing automation team have a full breadth of marketing automation experience working with the intricacies of both B2C and B2B organizations. We know that each type of organization has unique needs, whether that is having an extensive social presence for B2C, or having a complex sales process in B2B.

By understanding fully how each of these business types work, we are able to build highly strategic marketing automation solutions that are unique and relevant to every type of business.

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Integration with Online Advertising Channels

In today's digital world, search engine optimization and social media advertising are becoming integral parts of how a company markets itself. At Dunn Solutions, we believe it's imperative to know how these campaigns tie into the rest of the organization's marketing efforts and have a full scope of reporting on the advertising dollars spent with regard to ROI.

Dunn Solutions' marketing automation services incorporate integrations into online advertising channels so companies can see exactly how their online advertising efforts are performing. By giving a better view into the buyer's journey, you will know if your efforts are resulting in opportunities and sales, so that you can more effectively allocate your efforts.

Pre-built Campaign Solutions

In addition to creating a comprehensive marketing automation strategy that's unique to your business, Dunn Solutions' marketing automation team has also developed pre-packaged campaigns including campaigns such as Welcome Series, After-Sales follow-up campaigns for review requests, cross-sell/up-sell campaigns, lead qualification & call scheduling campaigns, and referral request campaigns to name a few.

Dunn Solutions' marketing automation experts have developed these pre-built campaigns so that marketers can simply press the "on-button" when they are ready to get started.

Partner with Dunn for Marketing Success

When most companies bring in new marketing automation platforms without any strategic or consultative help, it can be quite daunting. There can be MANY roadblocks before even getting to build out a complete campaign. These roadblocks can happen with system integrations, sales training and process management, and even planning out strategically the most effective ways to use the automation structure for your organization.

Dunn Solutions' marketing automation experts will support you through every step of the way of the process. Dunn Solutions' marketing automation team not only can teach you best practices but more importantly, offers strategic help in understanding how to apply automation to your unique buyer's journey and the technical expertise to integrate all of your platforms and CRM's. This takes out all the guesswork out of adopting a marketing automation system!

If you are interested in learning more about Dunn Solutions' marketing automation services, contact us today!

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