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Budgeting and Business Intelligence Solution for Healthcare Organizations

SAP offers healthcare organizations a solution that extends the reach of powerful business intelligence to the budgeting and planning process, an often painful and manual practice. SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation (BPC) for Healthcare combines an industry-leading planning technology with ease-of-use features and proven healthcare planning methodologies to streamline the planning process, improve accuracy, and promote participation and buy-in across management in the planning process.

Organizations that utilize the combined BI and BPC platform benefit from a single reporting repository and one single reporting tool. The finance community can then utilize the enhanced capabilities of BPC for budgeting, planning and forecasting purposes. This unique solution delivers healthcare-specific planning methodologies and reporting KPI's.

View "Budgeting & Business Intelligence Solution for Healthcare Organizations" and see how this affordable tool lets you extend powerful business intelligence while you streamline, automate and better manage the budgeting process.

Chris Christy, FACHE, Healthcare Principal SAP America, leads a discussion on the unprecedented financial and budgeting challenges healthcare organizations now face in an era of sequestration and Medicare payment changes. Brent Larson, Manager Business Intelligence Dunn Solutions Group, demonstrates how the BPC and BI tools assist healthcare organizations with these budgeting challenges.


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