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Marketing Mix Modeling & ROI Optimization

In this era of endless advertising options, increased competition, shrinking budgets, and demand for higher ROI, marketers find it increasingly difficult to:

  • analyze what's working and what's not in the media and marketing mix
  • determine the right amount of total budget
  • determine the right amount of total budget
  • build the right mix of campaigns and allocate the right amount of budget to each

Employing Predictive Analytics enables companies to overcome these challenges using Marketing Mix Modeling and ROI Optimization. It enables companies to measure and analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns (including elusive social media) and determine the optimal mix and budget to maximize sales and profits.

Companies that use Marketing Mix Modeling tend to drive an average of 40% improvements in marketing campaign effectiveness. They are also better able to balance short-term marketing and promotion tactics with long-term brand building needs.

View our webcast if you are interested in learning more about Marketing Mix Modeling and ROI Optimization and how it can help your organization. 

Marketing Mix and ROI Optimization:

  • How to make effective use of it
  • Real-world case studies and examples from a large soft drink manufacturer, leading OTC pharma company, and large gift-based online retailer
  • There is a discussion on how you can incorporate other custom data (weather, econometric data, and etc.) to address specific issues and answer strategy based questions about your business


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