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Make Predictive Analysis a Part of Your Business Intelligence Solution

Looking at analytics from your data warehouse is looking in the rearview mirror; important, but it provides only limited insight. Looking forward would provide a significant advantage, and this is possible through predictive analysis. Using predictive analytics you can determine patterns and predict future outcomes and trends. Predictive analytics allows companies to more effectively forecast revenues, inventories, and marketing campaigns, increasing their ability to act accordingly and improve their outcomes- an important advantage in today's business environment.

To accomplish this, organizations rely on data scientists. These expensive, in high demand, and difficult to find resources build and deploy predictive models using a process that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and often takes months. This very expensive and time consuming method is used when the potential for returns is high. However, there are many missed opportunities to benefit from predictive analysis because of the time and cost involved.

If the cost and effort to create good predictive models was more reasonable, there would be many situations where predictive analysis would be of great value! And it is, with SAP's InfiniteInsight. Using sound scientific algorithms and software automation, organizations can develop thousands of models at a fraction of the cost of traditional techniques. And more importantly, they can do it without a data scientist. Infinite Insight replaces the classic model creation process, which is manual, repetitive and error prone, with an easy-to-use set of tools.

View our presentation to learn more about SAP InfiniteInsight, a predictive analysis tool designed for data analysts- no data scientist required! It features tools that allow users to prepare data; build the data models with clicks, not code; improve the model; and easily deploy the scores.

We will also demonstrate how the model results can be shared with stakeholders across your organization using the SAP BI Suite.


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