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On Premise and Cloud Database Replication with Microsoft Azure

Analytics in the cloud is becoming increasingly important. How can you start taking advantage of cloud based analytics? First, you have to understand how to move your on-premise data into your cloud based databases. Azure makes it easy. With Azure, you can quickly spin up a SQL Server database and migrate your analytics data to the cloud. Moreover, you can set up real-time replication, to ensure the data in the cloud is up to date.

In this webinar, we'll discuss the benefits of having your data stored in Azure. We'll review the process of migrating data from your on-premise SQL Server databases into the Azure SQL Server databases using two methods:

  • Transaction-based replication
  • Database deployment

In addition to the processes outlined above, during the webinar we will demonstrate how to access Azure SQL Server databases using Visual Studio as well as how to analyze Azure SQL data using Power BI in the cloud.


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