Asset Publisher

Powerful Budgeting, Planning & Consolidation Tool, Coupled with Powerful Reporting Tool, Delivers Powerful Collaboration & Accuracy

SAP's Budgeting, Planning and Consolidation (BPC) tool streamlines an often painful, manual and lengthy process of multiple versions of numerous spreadsheets.  BPC features an Excel-like, user-friendly interface and combines planning, budgeting, and forecasting capabilities with management and legal consolidation functionality.   BPC helps companies shorten budget cycle time, close the books faster and ensure compliance with regulatory and financial standards.

BPC version 10 features improved integration with SAP BusinessObjects and delivers a new level of budgeting and planning reporting and insight, including improved visualizations.  Organizations can now extend the reach of budgeting & planning to include collaborating with departments and roles outside the planning process.

This one hour presentation explores BPC's power in collaboration, accuracy, and security during the planning process, as well how producing BusinessObjects dashboards and reports can help non-planners utilize BPC to help make better business decisions.


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