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Why You Should Outsource Your Machine Learning Needs?

Francesco Sguanci
8 Months Ago

The Power of Machine Learning for Business

Machine learning, when implemented well, has proven to be extremely effective at helping companies maintain a competitive advantage. Sounds like gibberish on a commercial, right? Agreed. Let’s restate that. The clients that I have worked with in the past 7 years that have leveraged machine learning have increased their profitability between 33% and 265%. I hope I now have your attention.

From experience, I can tell you that machine learning really is all that it’s cracked up to be. Your company's data possesses many unknown insights that with machine learning you can uncover and leverage to make smarter business decisions. The question becomes; should you do it in-house, or should you outsource it?  Logically, you may think that you know your business better than anyone else and therefore you should build your machine learning in-house, right?

Or should you?

In 2019, with an increase of data complexity and a scarcity of available machine learning scientists for hire, the cost of building your machine learning infrastructure in-house (primarily in talent) has become a very pricy upfront investment for most businesses. 

Machine Learning-as-a-Service Option

Fortunately, you don't have to build this practice yourself, you can have machine learning-as-a-serviceDunn Solutions' Machine Learning-as-a-Service puts an advanced analytics team at your disposal when you need it and for as much as you need it. Think of it as your own advanced analytics concierge service.

The Advantages of Machine Learning-as-a-Service

What are the advantages of a machine learning-as-a-service option?  First of all, you have access to a pool of extremely skilled people with machine learning knowledge and experience accumulated from working with hundreds of customers. Second, the cost to utilize such talented people on an ongoing monthly basis is far less expensive than if you ever hired them in-house.

Dunn Solutions' Machine Learning-as-a-Service offering becomes an extension of your own internal capabilities and helps you build out a machine learning infrastructure that will drive smart decision making and greater profitability.

Still think you want to build your machine learning capability in-house?  I suggest you subscribe to Dunn Solutions' Machine Learning-as-a-Service and hit the ground running!

For more information about Dunn Solutions' machine learning capabilities or our Analytics-as-a-Service offering, contact us today!


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