Customer Churn Reduction Offer


Increase Customer Retention by Reducing your Customer Churn

Clients that have leveraged our churn prevention services have increased their profitability up to 265%

Help reduce churn and increase customer lifetime value (CLV)

What you will learn with our client churn analysis:

  • Who is about to churn?
  • When do we expect them to churn?
  • What is your customer lifetime value?
  • How to activate your customer churn analysis
  • How do I prevent customer churn?
  • Is the financial impact of losing these customers?
  • Which customers should I spend my retention budget on vs. allowing to churn?
  • Identify key attrition drivers to target the customers with the highest LTV
  • Identify which customers to target with cross-selling strategies

The cost of retaining a customer is 7X-10X lower than acquiring a new one. It’s 3X easier to cross-sell to existing customers. Your organization gets a greater ROI by selling to existing customers. reduction as one of their top priorities.

You are leaving money on the table if your company is not analyzing customer churn.


No-Charge Churn Analysis

Identify which of your customers are most likely to leave and how much they are worth to your business.

A 5% reduction in customer churn can increase profits by 20% or more.

What We Are Offering:

Dunn Solutions leverages its many years of machine learning expertise in both B2B and B2C to design a custom churn reduction strategy that will work best for your company's unique customer base.

We will create a churn propensity model that will be used to identify which of your customers are at the highest risk of leaving and then we will calculate the lifetime value of each customer so that you can give the highest priority to your riskiest and most valuable customers.

We will also identify key attrition drivers so that you properly target the customers you want to keep most.

Contact Dunn Solutions to take advantage of this no-charge opportunity to reduce customer churn!

A Case for Churn in Retail & E-Commerce

Don't Miss our Special Offer: No-charge Churn Analysis!