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Is Your E-Commerce Site Your Most Important Channel?

Swaroop Krishnan
1 Year Ago

If the answer is yes, what other digital marketing channels are you using to effectively support your e-commerce site?

In today’s era of doing business, your online presence plays a major role in driving sales. Your online presence not only involves having a good e-commerce platform that integrates well with your backend systems like ERP, CRM but also using other digital channels to market and sell your products.

In order to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors your business should consider leveraging these other channels to support your B2C e-commerce or B2B e-commerce site.

Channels that Support Your E-Commerce Sales

1) Organic Search/Search Engine Marketing
 This is considered the best way to capture new customers or prospects. The first-place customers/ prospects go when they want to learn more about a product is that they use a search engine.  If your website is one of the first to show in relevant product searches, you will gain an advantage over your competitors.  You gain more immediate attention and credibility which drive more sales in the short term and long term. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in!

2) Pay Per Click
For this channel type, you can consider Google, Bing Text ads, Image ads, Video ads (for platforms like Youtube) or even consider listing products on Google Shopping.

3) Social Media
Many potential customers use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest as a part of their day to day activity.  This can make social media an important part of our e-commerce marketing strategy. In addition, to creating content on your social media accounts, many social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram) allow you to also use create dynamic ads that will show to targeted audiences based on lifestyle and user behaviors.  The use of social media can not only attract new shoppers but also can remind existing shoppers who have abandoned their cart to come back and complete their purchases.

4) Marketing Automation
With marketing automation, you can target your previous shoppers who have provided you with their email address. This data can be used to send out newsletters, abandoned cart summaries and even promotions or coupons to customers who are actively shopping based on their interests. You can define your own criteria to define what customers you’d like to reach out to.

It is time to move towards a holistic marketing approach to increase sales on your e-commerce site. Dunn Solutions specializes in helping its clients achieve e-commerce success. Contact Dunn Solutions to see how Dunn Solutions can help you take a comprehensive approach to your digital transformation.


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